> On 05 Feb 2015, at 09:54, Marie-Jose Montpetit <mari...@mit.edu> wrote:
>> On Feb 5, 2015, at 3:44 AM, Michael Welzl <mich...@ifi.uio.no> wrote:
>>> On 05 Feb 2015, at 00:29, Marie-Jose Montpetit <mari...@mit.edu> wrote:
>>>> snip/snip
>>>> In summary, we need a better way to describe the services we want before 
>>>> we'll ever be able to expect the transport to handle them properly.
>>> I totally agree.
>> We've been around the "let's specify what the application wants, not what 
>> protocols can do" block a couple of times prior to creation of this group. 
>> We started and ended with the bottom-up'ish plan that is in the charter now.
> Yes but in fact I think that you have to look at both ends: define what the 
> service wants can be tricky but necessary. On the other hand it also almost 
> implies that the mechanims or services also expose their characteristics - if 
> not, matching of services to transport cannot happen.

I couldn't parse this. What do you mean?

>> So, if you take a look at item #2 in the charter, it's rather unclear what 
>> that item is going to look like, and in particular how we'll arrive there:
>> "2) Specify the subset of those Transport Services, as identified 
>> in item 1, that end systems supporting TAPS will provide, and 
>> give guidance on choosing among available mechanisms and 
>> protocols. Note that not all the capabilities of IETF Transport 
>> protocols need to be exposed as Transport Services."
>> We'll have to figure out reasonable ways to shorten the list in item #1 at 
>> some point; this could include compiling a number of services under more 
>> application-oriented terms - such as "willing to choose low latency at the 
>> cost of X". What this statement precisely means depends on "X", and I think 
>> we can get an idea of what "X" is when we create that service from the list 
>> in item #1, not out of the blue.
>> Does that make sense?
> Yes but the issue will be in defining X - less latency at the expense of 
> bandwidth or more complexity in the network or ??? Each of those may imply a 
> different transport. 

Agreed - my point is: when we build #1, X will come.


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