> On 28. mai 2015, at 11.08, Brian Trammell <i...@trammell.ch> wrote:
> hi Mirja, Joe,
> two more points inline...
>> On 28 May 2015, at 10:49, Mirja Kühlewind <mirja.kuehlew...@tik.ee.ethz.ch> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Joe,
>> see below...
>>> Am 27.05.2015 um 19:20 schrieb Joe Touch <to...@isi.edu>:
>>> On 5/27/2015 6:02 AM, Mirja Kühlewind wrote:
>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>> I agree. This is a working document and we are still in the phase of
>>>> collecting data while the next step is to discuss which things that are
>>>> currently listed must/should be listed or not and also which of the
>>>> things must/should be exposed to the app.
>>> To be clear, can you clarify the focus?:
>>>     - what IS/IS NOT (i.e., current requirements)
>>>     - what WILL BE/WILL NOT BE (i.e., future goals)
>>> AFAICT, this is about IS/IS NOT. With that in mind, it should not be
>>> necessary to "collect data" and then decide later what is exposed or not.
>> It’s about IS/IS NOT. However, currently there is very little (explicitly) 
>> exposed to the app.
>> So the question is actually what should be exposed from the transport 
>> service components that are currently implemented in the then different 
>> existing transport protocols.
>>>> However, I think we are on the write track for the TSC because these
>>>> are thing that are implemented independent of the question if these
>>>> things should be exposed to the app or not.
>>> There seems to be ample confusion about:
>>> - upper layer interface (abstract "API"): services to the user
>>> - lower layer interface: services needed from the next protocol layer
>>> - the protocol itself (as an abstract specification: i.e., the finite
>>> state machine rules that relate commands and responses to the ULI, calls
>>> and returns to the LLI, and internal state and events (e.g., timers)
>>> - the *implementation* of any of the above, e.g.:
>>>     - Unix sockets API
>>>     - interface to IPv4
>>>     - Differences that include Reno vs. Cubic..., MTU algs, etc.
>>>> However, features in
>>>> contrast should really only be the things that should be exposed.
>>> IMO, implementation issues should be fully out of scope.
> I disagree that implementation- (and indeed, deployment-) level concerns are 
> out of scope here. It's implementation level concerns which have made it 
> necessary to do something like TAPS in the first place. In a world without 
> middlebox impairment you don't need any path condition measurement or 
> negotiation at all, and "transport flexibility" would simply be a matter of 
> sticking libraries on top of TCP and/or SCTP options.

This sounds like you were talking cross purposes. My interpretation here is 
that Joe is saying (as in his other email) that "concept A" in his other email:
should be in scope of the discussion, but B and C should not. I agree with that 
and your answer doesn't say you don't.

How to implement / deploy something are concerns that should be in scope of 
TAPS (they clearly are as per item 3 in its charter), but not necessarily in 
scope of this first document.

>> It’s not about implementation issues but it’s not always absolutely clear 
>> which level of detail must be exposed to the app. Is it enough to only have 
>> an interface where you can choose to use congestion control or not, or do 
>> you need to choose between delay-based and lost-based congestion control, or 
>> foreground and background congestion control, or one specify algorithm, or 
>> just specify one specify detail of the algorithm e.g. don’t increase fast 
>> than one packet per RTT…?
> There's a second issue here, as well, and it's kind of hiding behind the 
> current structure of the document and the terminology.
> Right now, which transport protocol to use is either an explicit choice of 
> the application developer (by selecting an API / library and set of 
> configuration parameters which always map to a single wire protocol) or an 
> implicit one (e.g. by selecting a library or higher-layer protocol on which 
> to develop the application which only supports a single transport protocol).
> These protocols have positive properties (which we've called components) and 
> negative properties (that is, use of this protocol excludes some other thing 
> you might want to have). Stupid example: fully reliable single-streaming 
> implies head-of-line blocking. Here the positive and negative properties are 
> intrinsically linked. Less stupid example: assume you want reliable transport 
> of messages but don't care at all about the order in which they arrive (e.g. 
> because you're doing bulk object synchronization as with NORM). In this case 
> reliability would be a positive property of TCP, and head-of-line blocking is 
> a negative property, the positive counterpart of which (stream orientation) 
> you don't even want. In this case, it is the choice of components pulled 
> together into a single protocol at protocol design time which sets up the 
> conflict.
> I'm not quite sure how to capture this, or indeed whether this document is 
> where it should be captured, but it is very important for any approach to 
> TAPS which will use off-the-shelf protocols.

I do believe, based on our own prior work, that you'll find surprisingly few 
such conflicts. I agree that documenting them will be important, but it seems 
obvious to me that this should be done as a second step, after creating a list 
of what all the protocols offer to applications. Probably in the same document, 
but let's first get that list right.


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