i'm fine with all that...

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> On 3. juni 2015, at 17:58, Mirja Kühlewind <mirja.kuehlew...@tik.ee.ethz.ch> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
>> On 03.06.2015 17:04, Brian Trammell wrote:
>>>> On 03 Jun 2015, at 16:48, go...@erg.abdn.ac.uk wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I know this has been discussed before, but only briefly. I have two
>>>> arguments that I'd like to bring forward towards removing RTP (/RTCP) from
>>>> draft-ietf-taps-transports-04 and the documents that will follow it. I
>>>> understand that it's a non-obvious question whether RTP should be
>>>> considered a transport protocol or not, and I don't want to take a side in
>>>> this or step on anyone's toes here - these are more practical, pragmatic
>>>> considerations, and I'd just like to see how people react. If folks go
>>>> crazy in response to this I won't keep arguing, but I'd be happy if I'd
>>>> see some agreement:
>>>> Argument #1: RTP implementations need to be tied closer to the application
>>>> than the implementation of transport such as TCP, DCCP, SCTP. There is
>>>> usually a very tight interaction with the codec and RTP - a reaction to
>>>> one specific incoming RTCP message, for instance. So I'd rather see a
>>>> future TAPS system being *used* by RTP instead of *providing* RTP
>>>> functionality.
>>> I think the same.
>> +1
> Actually I think I don't agree here. Yes, it's tied closer to the application 
> but I think for taps this is a (good) example where the interface is at a 
> much higher level and therefore might have a value to discuss it. However... 
> (see below)
>>>> Argument #2: TAPS has a non-negligible risk of ending up as an academic
>>>> exercise. I understand that but I don't want that - I think we should do
>>>> our best to keep TAPS "real". If that is our goal, including the world's
>>>> largest protocol isn't perhaps ideal... I think it should be in our
>>>> interest to try to keep the list in draft-ietf-taps-transports-04.txt
>>>> reasonably contained.
>>> I'd prefer the document not to ignore RTP - but to say enough, so that
>>> people can read further should this wish. If the above is correct, then I
>>> think perhaps this document can cover this in the introduction, along with
>>> a mention perhaps of other framing or content-oriented protocols that can
>>> use transports.
>> Agree as well. If we completely ignore RTP, it will be conspicuous in its 
>> absence.
>> I'd suggest a bit of tombstone text in the RTP section that explains the 
>> rationale behind not really digging into RTP for components/features... I 
>> can put together something (based more or less on this message) for the -05 
>> rev I'm working on...
> ... I agree here. But I think (right now) I would still like to have an own 
> RTP section but be very brief and give some reasoning why we don't wnant to 
> go into further details. Just as a side remark, I don't see any reason to 
> mention RTP in any following documents though.
> Mirja
>> Cheers,
>> Brian
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Michael
>>> Gorry
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> -- 
> ------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Ing. Mirja Kühlewind
> Communication Systems Group
> Institute TIK, ETH Zürich
> Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
> Room ETZ G93
> phone: +41 44 63 26932
> email: mirja.kuehlew...@tik.ee.ethz.ch
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