> On 19 Jun 2015, at 14:03, Mirja Kühlewind <mirja.kuehlew...@tik.ee.ethz.ch> 
> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
>> *My* goal is, and has always been, to provide a simpler, general API that is 
>> protocol independent. Note that this is not only for simplicity for ease of 
>> use BUT also for the sake of being able to automatize. After all the major 
>> goal is to remove the strict binding between applications and a specific 
>> protocol choice.
> Yes, I agree! (not sure if this is simpler though… depends on the definition 
> of simple… but hopefully easier to use and understand for the overlying 
> application).

Agree too, easier to use is what I meant

>> To be able to do this (documents 2 and 3), we first need a list of the 
>> existing services - our toolbox, if you wish (document 1). Figuring out 
>> what's missing / wrong about today's APIs (except that they are bound to a 
>> specific protocol) has never been *my* major intention, and I certainly 
>> don't see that as the goal of this document. I'd be surprised if that's what 
>> the charter suggests?! But of course my opinion is only what it is, the 
>> charter reflects the consensus…
> So there current API is always bound to a specify protocol which already 
> provides you a certain set of service feature. At least in TCP there is not 
> much choice left and there the current API does not give us a good indication 
> which services are actually provided by TCP. Therefore from my point of view 
> the only way to identify these services is to look at the protocol itself and 
> not only the API. In SCTP it’s different and we definitely have to and will 
> discuss the existing API in the document.

Exactly that's why I thought starting with TCP's API (even when it's the 
abstract one) is not very helpful.
Joe, Aaron: what is it you were expecting us to take away from reading section 
3.8 of RFC 793?
( I can see it highlighting the need to discuss communication patterns  (or 
decide for a specific one) in document #2, but not really contributing much to 
the list in document #1 ? )

>> All this being said, it can be a nice side-effect of the document (and note 
>> that noone knows what a TAPS system will really look like, and how these 
>> RFCs will actually end up being used). So I'm not strongly opposing the 
>> approach you're now following in that I don't see a big issue with there 
>> being a list of components - I just think it's not particularly useful for 
>> the goal of the document and doesn't really help the group progress towards 
>> its goals. I thought that proposing something more systematic with less 
>> arbitrariness could make it easier to put everyone in the same boat (in a 
>> way: "look, the boat HAS to be like that, there wasn't much choice, sit down 
>> please" rather than "sorry I painted it green, I like that color; I can 
>> understand you would have preferred a blue boat...“).
> I totally understand this point. But at least for TCP I think it is not 
> sufficient to look at the (abstract) API because in TCP there are not much 
> choices and therefore the services TCP provides are not exposed over the API. 
> I personally currently don’t see how another approach would bring us the the 
> goal of identify existing services.

Agree about TCP

> Again, if you have time to work on an alternative approach, please go ahead 
> and provide input or even submit an own draft and I’m/we’re really open to 
> discuss this and see what makes more sense. 

Ok....  well, I agree that what I request is easier said than done  :-(     
myself, I've been working on a first version of document #2 as I think this 
would help us understand if the set of "services" or whatever we call them in 
document #1 is useful for the group's purpose.


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