Hi, Aaron,

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 10:25 AM, Aaron Falk <aaron.f...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We’d like to hold an interim call to discuss the new docs.
>    - Duration: 2hrs
>    - Method: WebEx
>    - Time zones to accommodate: PDT, EDT, BST, CEST
>    - Schedule: w/o May 14
> Agenda:
>    1. open issues in draft-ietf-taps-interface-00.txt (Brian)
>    2. open issues in draft-ietf-taps-arch-00.txt (Tommy)
>    3. open issues in draft-ietf-taps-impl-00.txt (Anna) (if submitted)
>    4. open issues in draft-ietf-taps-transport-security-01.txt (Chris)
>    (if submitted)
> The hasn’t been approved yet but I’d like to quickly agree on a date.
> Please use this Doodle if you plan to attend and contribute. (If you just
> want to lurk, you are welcome but don’t make us schedule around you. :)
> LINK: https://doodle.com/poll/w92dudq592bvuzb6
> (This is the first time I’ve scheduled an interim so I may get a few
> process bits wrong...)

We don't do a lot of virtual interims in TSV, but we'll make that happen,
even if we have to adjust a few things along the way.

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