Hi Michael,

Many thanks for reading the document and taking time to provide comments!
They are greatly appreciated. I've filed #33 (
to address them. Please see inline below for responses.


> The main problem that I see is a missing "red thread” - e.g. when
deriving the security features in section 4: as a reader, I would expect
there to be a 1:1 mapping from the protocol features in section 3 to the
security features in section 4, yet there isn’t. For example: sec. 3.10,
CurveCP, has, in sec. 3.10.2, protocol features such as “1-RTT session
bootstrapping” and “Sender-chosen explicit nonces, …”, and these are not
listed in section 4 as such. I guess this is okay because “Protocol
features” are internal details, not exposed to an application? But then
this should be made clear in section 3, and the security features that we
see listed in section 4 should be listed in sec. 3 per protocol with the
same wording so that we can see a connection from section 3 to section 4.

Excellent point. Tying the two together will go a long way in making
selection for mandatory and optional protocol features more clear.

> Similarly, what is the rationale for making some features mandatory and
some optional in section 4? Reasons for this choice should be explicitly
laid out at the beginning of section 4.

In general, our rationale for mandatory features is that they were offered
by most popular protocols and are "critical" for the security protocol to
operate correctly. Optional features are those protocols can work around.

> Maybe the reason can be derived from section 5… see below:

> Once you’ve laid out the “interface” (I’ll come to that) as you do in
section 5, just from looking at this list, it’s easy to see that TLS gives
us everything except:
> - Authentication Delegation
> - Explicit (as opposed to “direct”) pre-shared key import
> - Transport mobility
> … and none of these are mandatory according to section 4 (so maybe that
could be seen as a reason to not make them mandatory?). TLS could be a
general recommendation, combined with an explanation that, if you want one
of these things listed above, you need to implement a protocol other than
TLS, but then you need to be aware of the protocol dependencies that such a
protocol choice brings with it.

> Generally, as an implementer of a transport system, this document now
tells me quite clearly which features I must offer (and it tells me which
protocols I then must support). However, the trade-offs are not so clear. I
see trade-offs in the protocol dependencies that you list in section 3;
then there are Transport Dependencies listed in section 4, but only for the
optional features, and it says “None” almost everywhere… yet, in section 3,
there are tons of “Protocol Dependencies”, so I find this surprising.

Indeed. These sections fell out of sync. I'll fix that.

> Another missing “red thread”: why do the transport features have
different names in sections 4 and 5? I would expect to find “Transport
mobility” in section 4, but there it’s “Connection mobility”. Similarly,
I’d expect to find “Session cache management” (from sec. 5.1) in section 4,
but there it’s called “Session caching and management”. I think the whole
document would look much more uniform and better structured with some
clearer mappings - from section 3 to the listed security features in
section 4 and the “interfaces” in section 5.

This is a simple oversight. In addressing your first comment, I'll make we
unify the terminology too.

> This brings me to the next issue: I think there’s a terminology problem
with this document. The terminology section, in line with all other TAPS
documents, mentions “confidentiality” as an example of a “Transport
Feature”. Further down, “Security Feature” is introduced. Given the
description of Transport Feature, a Security Feature is a special case of a
Transport Feature. Maybe the first sentence of the Security Feature
definition could be changed to say “A Transport Feature that a network
security layer provides to applications.”  Section 3 then talks about
“Protocol features”; these are maybe not offered to applications, so I
think it’s fine to use this term, but you should also define it in the
Terminology section. Then, Section 5 talks about Transport Security
Protocol Interfaces - but that term isn’t defined anywhere. I think these
“interfaces” are really Security Features, no?

Not quite. They're interfaces to the security protocols. Those interfaces
may of course drive or control certain features.

> Actually, given that they seem to be the same but with slightly different
wording, I wonder if sections 4 and 5 could be merged … or maybe they
should be switched in order: section 5 should appear first, calling them
Security Features, and then what is now Section 4 could come after,
deriving which ones of them are mandatory and optional, as well as list
transport / application dependencies.

Interesting suggestion. I'll see if that can be done.

> Some smaller things / nits:

> I find it strange that this draft cites only RFC 8095 but no other TAPS
> In particular, because it complements draft-ietf-taps-minset in the
process of TAPS, I think it should reference back to it.
> (The minset draft says that it doesn’t discuss security because this is
covered in draft-ietf-taps-transport-security, but then
draft-ietf-taps-transport-security only says that it complements RFC 8095 -
this gives readers following the link from minset a confusing context).

Good point. I'll add the citation.

> Section 3.2.3: Path MTU Discovery surprised me here. What does that mean?
That DTLS relies on an application implementing PMTUD (as it’s over UDP),
and then telling DTLS about it? Doesn’t DTLS do this on its own? Why not?
Sorry for asking a DTLS question, surely it’s me… but just listing PMTUD as
a dependency isn’t a good enough explanation, I think.

Clients have to set the maximum DTLS fragment (record) size, as each record
must fit within a single datagram.

> sec. 3.3: when I first read “A mapping for QUIC over TLS 1.3 has been
specified to provide this handshake”, I was surprised. I mean, given that
TLS runs over TCP, this sentence sounds like something really doesn’t match
here. Only in sec. 3.3.3 you explain “TLS within QUIC relies on a reliable
stream abstraction for its handshake”. Well that’s what I thought, but then
this should probably be brought earlier - “mapping for QUIC over TLS 1.3”
just sounds like QUIC uses TLS, which uses TCP, which is of course wrong.
Maybe it’s just the word “over” - using “with” instead would already make
this clearer.

Agreed. "Over" is not the correct word here. I'll fix that.

> sec. 3 sentence 1:
> “…security protocols that _are_ currently used to …”

> sec 3.3.1 1st sentence after bullet list:
> “The QUIC transport layer support_S_ multiple streams…”
> Same para, 3rd sentence: “The TLS handshake, along with further records,
are sent over this stream.”  - did you mean to say “The TLS handshake
messages” ?

> sec 3.4, line 2:
> “either as for creating tunnels (tunnel-mode)”  - I think the “as” should
be removed here?

> penultimate sentence of sec. 3.5.1:
> “…DTLS-offered certificates match that which are offered over SIP” - is
“that” correct here?  (should it be “the ones” or something like that?)

It should, and Colin refactored that section since your email to fix it.

> 3.10.1 par 5:
> This begins with “Unlike TCP, …”  - isn’t this strange to say, for being
too obvious? Or did you mean to say tcpcrypt?
> Well actually even TCP has cookies for some form of “source validation”,
with TFO. Of course that’s a limited use, but …   maybe simply removing
“Unlike TCP” here would make this clearer.

Good point! I'll fix that, or add a blurb about excluding TFO.

> 4.2, “Mutual authentication” and “Source validation”: the sentence
describing these features says “must”, yet it’s in the section of optional
features. While this doesn’t really matter, it makes for a slightly
surprising read, and would IMO be better as a factual statement - e.g.
“Transport security protocols allow each endpoint to authenticate the other
…”  and “Source validation is provided to mitigate …”


> Sec 5.1.: missing line break after:
> - Session Cache Management
> - Connection Termination
> - Pre-Shared Key Export

Thanks! Will fix.

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