The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'A Survey of the Interaction Between Security Protocols and Transport
  (draft-ietf-taps-transport-security-12.txt) as Informational RFC

This document is the product of the Transport Services Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Martin Duke and Magnus Westerlund.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

  This document provides a survey of commonly used or notable network
   security protocols, with a focus on how they interact and integrate
   with applications and transport protocols.  Its goal is to supplement
   efforts to define and catalog transport services by describing the
   interfaces required to add security protocols.  This survey is not
   limited to protocols developed within the scope or context of the
   IETF, and those included represent a superset of features a Transport
   Services system may need to support.  Moreover, this document defines
   a minimal set of security features that a secure transport system
   should provide.

Working Group Summary

The work has strong consensus in the WG. 

An early Secdir review raised concerns against including non-IETF
protocols without stable specification, e.g., Wiregugrd, CurveCP, and
MinimalT, while not describing other popular IETF protocols. The
authors decided to keep these protocols in the document as there have
unique features they wanted to include, and to add the protocols
requested by the Secdir review.

Document Quality

There was good amounts of review in the WG last call. Further focusing of the 
document was done as result of the IETF last call. 


The document shepherd is Philipp S. Tiesel. 
The responsible Area Director is Magnus Westerlund.

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