+1 to having the interim. I think we could indeed get some short mapping 
documents done in less time than we spent on the core docs… if for nothing 
else, having a document that shows a message-based protocol on top of a stream 
without a custom framer would be useful. 


> On Mar 15, 2023, at 2:07 PM, Gorry Fairhurst <go...@erg.abdn.ac.uk> wrote:
> On 15/03/2023 20:52, Michael Welzl wrote:
>> Hi !
>> I would love to have an interim. These are the things that I personally 
>> would like to discuss:
>> 1) what could we now do to foster deployment of this?
>> 2) is anyone really planning to write an http mapping document, ever?  this 
>> would have to be (and should be easy for!) someone with the right 
>> implementation experience…….   ahem…
>> 3) like 2), but s/http/quic
>> If the WG closes, where else could 2) and 3) happen?  Does this relate to 
>> item 1) somehow?
>> If everyone just shrugs their shoulders to all of these questions (as I do), 
>> I guess this could be a short interim followed by closing the group. Just my 
>> 2 cents.
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
> I think we previously said we could fo 2,3 after we had the base drafts 
> published - I expect that is going to be soon, and I think once that is done 
> we ought to have that interim and talk about this!
> Gorry
>>>> On Mar 15, 2023, at 4:35 PM, Reese Enghardt <i...@tenghardt.net> wrote:
>>> Dear TAPS,
>>> As we are moving towards finishing the three core documents, the next step 
>>> will be to recharter or conclude.
>>> We have talked about possible further milestones related to mapping 
>>> documents, and we have a few related issues on the Github 
>>> (https://github.com/ietf-tapswg/api-drafts/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Amappings).
>>> However, we have not seen much activity on this topic since IETF 113, and 
>>> we have no related currently active documents.
>>> I wanted to give you a heads-up that, given this state, the chairs are 
>>> wondering if it'll be time to conclude TAPS once the core documents have 
>>> made their way to the RFC Editor, unless we see evidence of substantial 
>>> interest and activity regarding further milestones.
>>> Nothing has been decided yet, and we will be happy to discuss this question.
>>> TAPS is not meeting at IETF 116, but we can consider scheduling a virtual 
>>> interim meeting or a WG meeting at IETF 117 if we have content for a 
>>> fruitful discussion.
>>> Please let me know your thoughts.
>>> Best,
>>> Reese
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