--As of January 23, 2014 8:32:14 AM -0800, Colin Percival is alleged to have said:

Point it at anything with a modification time <= when the snapshot was
created.  Obviously anything inside the snapshot will have this
property; as will a file you create prior to creating the snapshot.

Colin, thanks for your explanation. But I'm definitely misunderstanding
something here: if I specify a file that was last modified 10 years
ago, how does that help you?

That will effectively disable the "recognize when files haven't changed"
functionality, which will force Tarsnap to re-read files which it might
otherwise have not bothered to re-read.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

So, essentially for this purpose it's the same as the `--newer-than` option, and could be replaced with any of the --newer options, right? And the only penalty for not using it is that tarsnap will have to do more dedup work than it would otherwise have to?

(Of course, we are talking about ZFS snapshots here, which is already have an atomic creation and can be browsed like any other filesystem. I'm not sure if that applies to other forms of snapshots.)

Daniel T. Staal

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