Hi all, I repeatedly run into the following problem when my network
seems to fail:

[user@important_documents]$ sudo tarsnap -cvf
important_document.doc important_document.doc
Please enter passphrase for keyfile /usr/local/tarsnap/videos.key:
tarsnap: Creating checkpoint... done.
tarsnap: Creating checkpoint... done.
tarsnap: Creating checkpoint... done.
tarsnap: Creating checkpoint... done.
tarsnap: Creating checkpoint...tarsnap: Too many network failures
[user@important_documents]$ sudo tarsnap -cvf
important_document.doc important_document.doc
tarsnap: An archive already exists with the name
tarsnap: Error creating new archive 

To solve this problem I have to give the following commands:
sudo tarsnap -cvf important_document.doc2 important_document.doc
Assuming this completed successfully I have then to remove the .part
sudo tarsnap -dvf important_document.doc.part
Then re-archive the original document with the intended file name
sudo tarsnap -cvf important_document.doc important_document.doc
and remove the old archive with the adapted name.
sudo tarsnap -dvf important_document.doc2

This is a lot of work for me as this occurs quite often with my network.
Isn't there some way to either make tarsnap really persistently (I
already got a patch that removed a lot of the network failures) trying
to complete archiving the file, or to have tarsnap recognise that if
there is already some incomplete part, that it would be wise and nice
to start with that one and complete the upload?


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