Any suggestions on a good case for a '21 Gibson A? Body too big to fit
in a modern A case. Neck too short to fit in a modern rectangular F
case. Kind of a Mama Bear mandolin problem.

Couple of other thoughts for Tater & y'all:

I love the idea of a page (or pages) of resource links, be it cases,
makers, qualified luthiers (the "new" A needs frets, and there's
nobody in Iowa I'd give her to).

I don't know about a for-sale page with the Cafe being both free and
kind of the de facto standard, as it were, but maybe and "available"
listing for a smaller group of folks (i.e., that tater crowd) would be
useful. For example, I'm looking for either a vintage A case or
something that'll work. I'll pay money, or I have a kinda vintage ('50
Gibson) F case I'd trade. And I have one of those Apple iSight cameras
I bought for Tatercam lessons before I got my new MacBook that I'd
sell or GIVE AWAY to anybody who wants to buy it, or could put it to
use but doesn't have any money. Kind of a hillbilly hippy swap meet
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