Hey Bill, G'day from Australia.

Enjoyed your post and the honesty of your youtube clips.

I made the mistake of logging on tonight just before bed time when I
read your post. This led to me watching one of your videos, then
another, then I got sidetracked onto 
then I got sidetracked onto another clip....and so on! It's now very
late and I'm gonna be dog tired in the morning for an early start but
I'm going to bed feeling mighty fine for hearing all that good
music :-)


Della buonanotte.......Holstein
ps. I even made time to search an online Italian dictionary!

On Jun 10, 6:48 pm, billkilpatrick <billkilpatr...@virgilio.it> wrote:
> greetings from sunny italy.  my name is bill - i've been playing the
> mandolin and hanging out at the cafe for a couple of years. i have a
> mid-missouri m-16; an "a. galiano" bowlback from the turn of the last
> cent.; a "hudson" oval hole "F" - my main man-dolin - bought on-line
> from a music store in wales; a crafter that rarely sees the light of
> day and if things go as expected, i'll be getting a LV600 loar in
> about a month's time ... the last mandolin i will ever buy, ever, ever
> again ... MAS begone!
> my initial interest with the mandolin was medieval european music but
> as my mind and body advance beyond middle age (small joke alert ...
> heh-heh) i find that old-time, appalachian music  - the first music i
> ever got "into" -  is what interests me now.  i once read that as we
> get older, the more we become who we really are ...
> a word of appreciation for mine host: your shuffle sound on the
> mandolin is the hippest thing i've heard in ages - a thing of wonder.
> if i can pick up even a little of that style, i'll be happy ... and a
> waaay better player.
> no face book or whatever but here's my videos on youtube:
> http://www.youtube.com/user/billkilpatrick
> regards - bill
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  • introduzione billkilpatrick
    • Re: introduzione The Holstein Kid

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