 The tone you are getting on the Grub sounds good to me.  Does it
sound good to you. I think that is what matters.  If you produce a
tone that pleases you then you have succeeded.  The problem is that
the quest for better tone seems to be an endless journey.  It might
become boring otherwise?

When I am playing and am loose and everything is clicking I notice the
whole system is loose.  That doesn't mean a lot of movement, but
relaxed. From the fist, to the wrist , to the arm and in the
shoulder.  The whole body is making the music, not just an appendage.
When tension enters the equation the music begins to

I continue to try to play with a relaxed closed fist but it is a hard
habit to get into, my fingers like to be out.  I personally find it
very easy to become tense when my hand is closed.

Remember, you're already getting good tone and that is something a lot
of pickers struggle with.  John

On Jan 4, 12:12 pm, Mando Chef <> wrote:
> I have not done a video of myself in a long while but doing the "Grub
> Springs" video last week made me rethink about my right hand
> technique.
> Over the past year and a half to two years my thoughts have been on my
> grip/staying loose in my playing and have indeed thought about coming
> in at a more parallel attack rather than an angle.  The more parallel
> attack feels like a new golf swing, for those of you who have chased
> that white ball around.  I have gone through far too many golf swings
> and all with their benefits but have always gone back to the comfort
> of my right hand angle for ease of playing/ease of not thinking of it.
> I feel I am at a point of wanting real richness in my notes, all big
> and full of flavor and feel my attack may have some room for getting
> closer to that goal.
> Here is my Grub video if any of ya'll have some thoughts I will
> prepare for attack and accept the criticism.
> Chef

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