Hello Marck
On Tuesday, December 26, 2006 you wrote:

> Dear Rick,

> The biggest and baddest effect is the sending of private email to a
> public mailing list unintentionally and unwittingly. It has happened.
> A message sent to an investment broker containing private financial
> information made its way onto a public mailing list in this way once.
> This happens when you are reading mail casually in folders while the
> main program focus sits in a list mail folder with a folder template.

> A reply to a private mail can end up invoking the list folder
> templates.

> Such mistakes are rare, true, but even one slip is unacceptable. I
> don't use folder templates, period. I dare not risk the mistake.

Thanks for a great explanation. If I use folder templates at all it
will be with things that don't matter :))

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