Kära Christopher,

torsdag, den 25 november 1999, skrev du:

CJT> On Thursday, November 25, 1999 Fredrik"Bergström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:


CJT> You  I  right.  I reproduced this bug. Also one thing -- when I clicked
CJT> "reply" on your message I got this in To: field:

CJT> "Fredrik\"Bergström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

CJT> Pretty  strange/buggy,  isn't  it?  I wonder why is your ordinary mail
CJT> address  present  in  this  string.  I  haven't found anything in your
CJT> kludges that would force it...

Our companys mailserver (MERCURE) is quite strange and we give them
some bug reports now and then. Also, when i reply on my message it
will look ok, with no extra quotes.

>> From: =?ISO-8859-1?B?RnJlZHJpayAiQmVyZ3N0cvZt?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Ali Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Would the problem be because a errorous ISO thing ?


CJT> Or  maybe it's just because of this quote before your surname? Anyway,
CJT> isn't it a bug?

Strange because i never put any quotes anywhere =)

Regards, Fredrik Bergström

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