Allie, how-do-you-do!
On Thursday, March 30, 2000, 1:48:58 AM, Allie wrote:

<shnippp with sharp shnissors>   <-- say it 5x really fast :D

AM>         Well, I do things your way and I use a 17" monitor at 1152x864
AM> resolution so ... :) I prefer not using the preview window as well.

Uhmmmmm, mon..i..torrrrs. Uhmmmmm ;-)) Ahhhhhh, the luxury. Time to get a
couple of 17" or 19" monitors then. BTW: Amazing how we still universally use
"/inches in respect of monitors when *almost* everything else has universally
been metricised. Perhaps it sounds better than 377 mm/mil.


Slán anois,

 Simon (-: [iconoclast]         <The Bat! v 1.42 Beta/9 on Windows 98 SE>
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