On Sat, 9 Sep 2000 13:28:03 +0100, John Sullivan wrote:

JS> This isn't important by the way - the same happens whatever message I
JS> have selected - I just mention it to identify the results.

JS> I want to display only those messages from RIT themselves, so I choose
View->>Display->Advanced Filtering... All flags are initially turned
JS> off (I double check this), so I switch to Header, and select "The
JS> sender's name" "Contains" either "ritlabs" or "ritlabs.com" (same
JS> effect on either).

JS> When I hit OK, there is a single message displayed: a message from
JS> Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Message-ID:

JS> I escape out, search for the last message from Stefan and Alt-Click
JS> his name. The drill-down shows about 180 other messages, all sent from
JS> [EMAIL PROTECTED] None of these were shown by the filter I tried to
JS> apply, and the one message that was shown in no way mentioned ritlabs
JS> in any of the Sender fields.

As far as I can see here, the display (advanced message filtering) uses
the info that's displayed in the message listing.

IOW's, if a message is from Stefan Tanurkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Stefan
Tanurkov will be displayed in the message list and this is all that
you'll be able to use in the advanced filtering. It seems to filter the
message list and not the messages. This is why it's so *quick*. If you
need to do the type of search you desire you have to use the formal
search applet.

Redo the search and this time look for messages with the sender name
containing 'stefan' and you should have your list. If I stick to this
concept of using strings that only occur in the message list then it
works everytime. :-) It's the same with the quick search and the
alt-click listing.

If there is no match when the filtering is done, only the last message
in the list is displayed. This is a bug, IMHO, because it confuses the
user into thinking that it's a match.

A. Curtis Martin..
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