Hello Michal and all you Batters out there.
At Monday, September 18, 2000, 11:10:28 PM, Michal scribbled that:

MK> On polish thebat-l list this bug in beta1 and beta2 was confirmed. How
MK> about that? I'm downloading beta3 now.

Where's this polish list??? Gimme gimme gimme! @_@


  Moja wątroba jest bez sensu.

 |\  /|   /\   \~~~/ \~~~/ \~~~/     WWW: http://maxxx.ii.com.pl
 | \/ |  /  \   > <   > <   > <     E-M: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |____| /____\ /___\ /___\ /___\   ICQ: 3146019

Using The Bat! v1.46 Beta/6
in Polish Windows 98 v4.10   build 1998

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