Hello Tbbeta,

  Voyager Alpha is available at 

  What's new since Voyager released on 23-Jul-2009?

[-] Some fixes with Thai
[*] When working with S/MIME internal implementation, the "Select Certificate" 
dialogue box is now sizeable.
[+] It is now possible to search S/MIME certificates by e-mail when using the 
Internal Implementation
[*] A warning is given when the user clicks "Destroy all private keys" button 
in the hardware token editor
[*] When using OTFE with Aladdin eToken and the user did enter an incorrect PIN 
during the startup, The Bat! did exit; now it offers to enter the PIN again
[-] An SMTP Authentication option to use MD5 authentication was sometimes 
incorrectly handled
[*] Once a submission form was signed, the user will be unable to uncheck the 
appropriate checkboxes to make the form unsigned in future
[*] Fixed Windows taskbar title for the Splash window.
[-] Fixed a redundant error message when the user cancels decryption of an 
S/MIME message
[+] gray glyph set for HTML editor icons introduced
[-] (#0007685) Color list combo boxes do not adjust to the large font 
[-] (#0007684) Status bar contents do not adjust according to the selected 
large font 
[-] (#0007683) Tabs do not adjust according to the Large Fonts 
[-] (#0007682) Folder tree images are not vertically aligned 
[*] glyph for find menu icon updated, icons for find next/prev fixed in message 
preview context menu
[*] glyphs for confirm receipt/reading toolbar icons added
[-] When inserting a block from file in MicroEd, the editor window went to 
background, and the main The Bat! window was activated
[-] Fixed an error "GUIDEF Compiler:viewframe.def(629): illegal token" in the 
[-] In SMTP, the EHLO argument could contain local computer's name rather than 
fully-qualified domain name retrieved from DNS.
[-] Added a debug parameter /LOGIPRESOLVER
[*] More logging when a filtering error occurs.
[-] Some windows to input a single line had untranslatable OK and Cancel Buttons
[-] A colour selection combo-box had a "Custom..." item untranslatable
[-] bug restore backup files from cmdlines
[*] Viewer/Editor Profile Layout and SmartBat Preferences rearranged to fit 
loooong captions, font and color names
[-] The "/OP" command line parameter gave an AV.
[*] The Bat! now looks for gpg2.exe in addition to gpg.exe
[-] Fixed a problem with Copy&Paste of the last line of an HTML page
[-] Changed "Unselect" to "Deselect" throughtout the program
[*] thebat.exe is now plain exe file without an executable compressor
[*] Viewer/Editor Profile Layout and SmartBat Preferences - FontFace fixed on 
buttons instead of icons for them :(
[+] Added support for Japanese in the interface
[-] The Preferences dialog was not centered, did not fit 800x600 or similar 
resolution, and didn't remember its position.
[-] The Message Dispatcher window was not screen-centered
[-] The Quick Template window was not screen-centered
[-] Card file lists weren't backuped
[-] The Bat! uninstaller didn't delete message base files and some files of the 
common settings
[-] In S/MIME internal implementation, if The Bat! user did generate a new 
certificate and have used another certificate to sign it, and the two 
certificates had different algorithms, the generation didn't work properly.
[-] When generating a certificate in S/MIME internal implementation, the 
"unused bits" in KeyUsage was incorrectly set
[*] (#0006256) Message Finder: It was not possible to delete a simple condition 
[-] Fixed an AV when restoring a TBK file during a first start (when no 
accounts were yet created) and the backup did contain scheduled events
[+] Web-like search is now available in Message Finder
[-] Drag-and-drop of messages with "foreign" characters in subjects into disk 
folders?\127?\127?\127 could fail
[-] (#0007686) Backgroung in HTML message is not saved and is not sended 
[-] (#0007754) Image resizing in the HTML-editor is not saved. 
[*] The temp files are deleted after displaying the splash screen that may show 
the splash screen faster when there are lots of temp files to delete
[-] (#0007761) HTML editor doesn't define background colour in message source, 
when is White colour selected 
[*] If a message index file cannot be created due to a renaming error, detailed 
information is given to the user.
[-] It was not possible to create new IMAP accounts 
[-] (#0007762) It wasn't possible to create IMAP folders
[-] (#0007627) Some settings in HTML templates are not saved 
[-] (#0007440) Images are not inserted from HTML Quick Template
[-] "Find Certificates" menu item of the Tools/Privacy menu didn't follow to 
certificates in an address book with groups
[-] When you click "Follow" in "find certificates" and get to list certificates 
from the user's account, the "View" button was disabled.
[-] The "View Folder" window didn't have the Menu Navigator in the "View" menu
[+] For S/MIME internal implementation, you can now use Elliptic Curves 
Cryptography in addition to RSA. You can choose between algorithms when 
generating a new certificate.
[-] (#0002180) Menu navigator's icon (Question mark) is blinking
[-] (#0002309) MenuNavigator does not become unfocused when when is unfocused
[+] The Menu Mavigator buttons are now shown in the menu bars (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*] The word "re-send" is changed to "resend" in menu items to facilitate 
search in the Menu Navigator
[-] (#0007772) AV when trying to apply a colour group to an account, when no 
folder is selected
[-] Fixed a caption ("Mozilla's Thunderbird" to "Mozilla Thunderbird") in the 
mailbox import wizard
[-] Updated default PGP public key
[+] Sorting Office: possibility to define alternative paths for the "Extract 
attachments" action
[+] In an address book, when you import and address entry from an X.509 
certificate, now the entry is created with the certificate within
[-] When using S/MIME internal implementation, you can now import certificates 
included in a signature, but included to an encrypted message as well
[*] "Capture addresses" action in the sorting office is renamed to "Add to 
address book"
[-] The "Find Certificates" feature didn't work with uppercase email addresses
[+] New macros: %SoftwareVersion (same as %TheBatVersion) and 
%SoftwareSerialNumber (same as %TheBatSerialNumber)
[-] (#0007782) Cancel-Button in dialogue "Algorithm selection" not working 
[-] MAPI library could give an AV on Exchange accounts when no MS Outlook was 
[+] A new action in the filters to export an S/MIME signature, or a signing 
certificate, or information about certificate, to a file
[-] (#0000758) Error message is not displayed when TB! cannot delete the 
message because of lack of free disk space. 
[-] There were an old bug of reading thebat.lng, which might in some cases 
cause slowness in reading thebat.lng file, if it was signed by an Authenticode 
[-] (#0007511) HTML display problem 
[-] (#0007807) Wrong images positioning in HTML letter 
[*] If an error occurs when creating message base index, The Bat! now reports 
the folder name in addition to the error message to let the user know what 
folder is troublesome
[-] If an error happens when compressing folders on exit, The Bat! now handles 
is gracefully
[-] (#0007812) Sorting Office: Icons have disappeared and an additional textbox 
has appeared 
[-] Fixed a problem with column widths with Large Fonts
[-] (#0007810) Some messages cannot be printed 
[-] (#0007699) Some Macros didn't work when followed by "%-" then a line break 
and some text 
[-] (#0007238) Reply to a message limited to its title (body being void), 
Access Violation appears using HTML editor 
[-] (#0007712) HTML editor inserts wrong font families
[-] (#0005717) "Open Reply" does not find reply in common folder 
[*] "Open Reply" automatically adds folders defined by filter Copy and Move 
actions to the scope
[-] (#0006374) Large hyperlinks is not working
[-] (#0007775) Improve rendering of some HTML tags
[-] (#0006707) Position of "Table properties" is not centered by default and 
new position is not saved 

Best regards,
Maxim Masiutin                          mailto:m...@ritlabs.com

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