Hi Maxim,

Sunday, March 28, 2010, 10:51:07 PM,

After I wrote this earlier in the day:

>>>However,  with  Google  IMAP,  even  though TB logged in fine, I began
>>>getting  repeated windows asking for my account password - which would
>>>never  be  accepted  (to repeat  -  the initial login was fine and I could
>>>receive mail to the inbox).

You replied:

> That's bad news. In this case, try to select a best beta which
> suits you best way (i.e. have bugs which are less annoying for you).
> We are not going to do anything to improve, we would like
> to release a new beta soon from the fresh source code, but I don't
> know exactly how long may it take.

I am pleased to say that the phenomenon I reported to you didn't
repeat itself today (I only ran TB yesterday for a half hour). I.e.,
there were no additional popup windows asking for my password today.
In light of the problems others have been having with this beta, I
thought I'd pass this good news on to you.

Since I never had any trouble with 4.2.35, do you suggest I re-install
that, or since this one ( is now seemingly Ok for my usage, I
guess I might as well continue using it.

As  always, you on the RitLabs Team have my respect for your hard work
in making TB a great mail program.

On  with  the IMAP development (and for some months, it's been fine on
my Gmail IMAP account, already, even if it isn't the "new Mercedes" of


Take Care,



"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me." This is our
function, our challenge, our fulfillment - and our inheritance, to
accept, embrace and share beyond all manmade boundaries.

Using The Bat!
Windows 7 6.1
build 7600 

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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