On Thursday, November 11, 2010, 11:08:13, Maxim Masiutin wrote:

> The Bat! ALPHA is available at
> http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/a-5/tb500101.rar

More problems I noticed:

- switching to The Bat from another program with Alt+Tab doesn't
  always work properly when composing a message (sometimes nothing
  happens, other times the wrong window is shown, sometimes it takes
  several seconds for TB's window to appear)

- marking messages as read is pretty broken:
  - Ctrl+Shift+M marks all messages in folder as read most of the time
  - messages often don't get marked as read until you move to another
  - I somehow ended with a folder that shows 3 unread messages in the
    folders pane, but they're nowhere to be seen when I actually enter
    the folder ... err, make that 5
  - parent message doesn't update unread count when child gets marked
    as read

- navigation with Ctrl+\ or spacebar doesn't move you to the first
  unread message when it moves you to a new folder - instead the last
  message you viewed in that folder is selected; you have to press
  Ctrl+\ again to move to the actual unread message

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

[ The Bat! ALPHA on Windows 7 6.1.7600. ]

In matters of dispute, the bank's balance is always smaller than yours.
       -- Checkbook Balancer's Law

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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