> Hello Marek,

> Thursday, February 3, 2011, 2:06:24 PM, among other things, you wrote:

MM>> Hello all,
MM>> Wednesday, February 2, 2011, Roger Phillips wrote:

MM>>>> [-] (#0008339) Read filters weren't triggered automatically (Beta issue)

>>> Read filters still not working here

MM>> for me it works, I have read filter which parks message, when I read
MM>> message and move to another one, message become parked.

> I  have read filters which have worked for years in all versions up to 4.42,
> but they do not work in version 5.

Mine works erratically. I have some that came in today that WERE marked read 
and some not.

Another thing that is not working is deleting messages after X days.

I'm having another "It seemed like a good idea at the time" moment

v5.0.0.136 BETA on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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