Title: Some experiences with TB 5 RC4

I installed TB 5 today and this are my first experiences:
I see a lot of improvements. Especially the URL manager. Congratulation with 
the progress made.
I have tried a couple of other email clients over the last year, but nothing 
beats TheBat !

Here are some comments on RC4

- My message list tabs have disappeared (Unread, Attachments, Flagged etc) I had 
  to manually recreate them.

- My views modes were not working as before. The link between some of my folders
and their view modes was gone. I had to reset them.

- To set the viewmodes for a group of folder, I pressed the 'Used by'
button. This brings up a dialog that is not resizable. As far as I can see this
is the same dialog as the 'Watch' dialog on the virtual folder properties window
(with exception of the viewmode column in the left control) .
Both dialogs should be resizable to make them easier to work with with a large messagebase
(> 500 Folders, 350.000 messages, about 10Gb disk space)

- The 'Use by' and 'Watch' dialog have a select all and deselect all button. I am missing the
options that I have in the message finder (like 'Select current account', 'Select
including subfolders' etc) I am also missing these

- It would be nice if the URL manager had an option to only display the URLs from
the current selected message.

- There seems to be a problem in the URL manager when sorting my subject. Some
links are shown with the wrong subject. I have seen examples where images were listed 
under the wrong subject.

Robert van der Hulst

Using The Bat! 5.0.4 RC/4 on Windows Service Pack 1
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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