Voyager 5.0.9 BETA is available at

What's new in Voyager 5.0.9 since released on 21-Dec-2010?

[+] It's now possible to define colour and text style for Quick Search tabs
[+] Information about selected/total and filtered messages is now displayed on 
status bar in the main window and message viewer
[*] When The Bat! decrypts a file using Tools/Privacy/File Decrypt, it now 
offers a file name based on the file name of the original file
[-] Various message list tab issues (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008245) Locate original message list command was not working  (Beta 
[-] When The Bat! was running and the user did open an .eml file from Windows 
Explorer or run thebat.exe with command line parameter, the running copy of The 
Bat! could hang
[-] Fixed an Access Violation error when closing the message editor
[-] Various message viewer issues (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008265) When the current message was marked as deleted, the menu item 
for undeletion was named as "Delete" (Beta issue)
[-] The "close separate viewer... on reply/forward" option wasn't working (Beta 
[-] (#0006010) When redirecting multiple messages, the Forwarded/Redirected 
flag wasn't set
[-] Untranslatable section "Quick Search Tabs" in Preferences dialog
[-] Some cosmetic issues (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008213) Possible access violation errors when closing the preferences 
dialogue after multiple closing/opening SmartBat (Beta issue)
[+] IMAP. Partial message loading
[+] IMAP. Loading of remotely stored attachments
[-] Fixed "Blue Screen" Windows error with some printer drivers
[+] "Resend to" action added to support both local and remote attachments
[-] Cosmetic issues with Message List/Folder tabs (Beta issue)
[+] Excel compatibility option added when exporting contacts in CSV format
[-] (#0007431) Non-alphabet chars are selected when doubleclick on alphabet 
words in RTV viewer
[-] (#0008182) 5.0.0.x Alpha - Buttons are not working in new Image Download 
[*] Plugin API. Refined handling of before/after filter events
[*] %AttachOriginalFiles macros is now supported in all auto-generated messages 
(not only forward)
[-] (#0008244) Preferences: Settings that trigger Image Download 
Button seem to have no effect
[-] (#0008324) Image Download Manager : Access Violation when hit "Move down" 
button in
[-] (#0008321) Missing string "Valid until version x.x" in About dialog 
[-] (#0008234) Untranslatable warning "Please enter the recipient's address" in 
Redirect dialog 
[-] (#0008235) Untranslatable Begin / Substr / Equal / RegulExp in Image 
download manager 
[-] (#0008249) Untranslatable IMAP string "Disconnected" in account log 
[-] (#0008201) unlimited error boxes (System Error Code 5) after starting 
screen saver
[-] (#0008330) Deletion of attachment wasn't possible since .127 (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008296) Message Preview was not cleared when an empty or no folder was 
selected (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008216) IMAP Connection Centre strings are not available for translation
[-] (#0008306) Sometimes, messages were not displayed from the beginning (Beta 
[-] (#0008314) Opening reply to a message wasn't working
[-] Internal openers wasn't used for known attachment formats 
[-] UTF support in The Bat! log file for server replies
[-] There were random AVs while viewing HTML images in the previous beta (BETA 
[-] (#0008302) Reply to all did not take folder's different identity into 
[-] Some SmartBat search panel bugs (Beta issue)
[-] Specials|Remind Later functions were not working
[-] (#0008320) Missing string "Text length is more than possible to generate a 
[*] (#0008145) Account tree font can now have styles defined in preferences 
dialogue (Italic/Bold etc)
[-] Message export from IMAP folder was fixed to properly handle partially 
downloaded messages.
[-] (#0008356) Untranslatable title "Opening reply" when searching reply (BETA 
[-] Exceptions when embedded message was opened in separate view (on opening 
attachments and on close)
[-] (#0008235) Untranslatable Begin / Substr / Equal / RegulExp in Image 
download manager
[-] Image download manager wasn't properly resized
[-] IMAP folder exit tasks were not executed when exiting by the /EXIT command 
[-] When Windows did close The Bat! in case of system shutdown and there were 
open editor windows, The Bat! hang.
[-] Using several folders as the source for a message list tab was not working 
properly (Beta issue)
[+] Improved certificate chain building for X.509 in S/MIME and TLS
[-] Default colours of messages were wrong (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008392) Account properties dialog on Common folder produces error in
[-] (IMAP Download related) Access Violation at address 00939D67 on start
[-] Folder Maintenance was not working properly for IMAP folders, WIP: 
integrity checking and repair (Beta issue)
[*] Folder download options was reorganized
[*] Pop-up menus of IMAP accounts/folders was reorganized
[-] Folder Integrity checking was not working (Beta issue)
[*] Cosmetic changes in IMAP download tab (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008339) Read filters weren't triggered automatically (Beta issue)
[*] Debug info about processor (CPU) threads is given into the ex_log.txt file 
(BETA issue)
[+] Color groups can be assigned to IMAP messages
[-] Some problems with messages (re)focusing, eg on original message search 
(Beta issue)
[-] The Bat! didn't properly encode some characters
[-] When you create a new IMAP folder from The Bat! and try to move messages to 
this folder, there were an Access Violation error (BETA issue)
[*] Updates Splash Screen to version 5 (BETA ISSUE)
[-] IMAP tasks sporadically remain in memory ((#0008406 related)
[-] When The Bat! did compress a folder on IMAP, it did also report "Looks like 
no folder processing is necessary", even if it saved space, now it properly 
reports "...bytes of storage space released".
[-] The Bat! might display blank lines in images embedded to an HTML body when 
the user did scroll the message
[-] cosmetic issues (Beta issue)
[*] IMAP related account and folder properties was reorganized
[-] (#0008377) Overwriting birthday entries in address book
[-] Postponed messages could be sent during "Send queued mail" command invoked 
manually or automatically (Beta issue)
[-] Possible AVs when at the startup when there are messages in Outbox waiting 
to be sent (Beta issue)
[*] Cosmetic changes in account properties dialog (templates, chat)
[-] Fixed some leaks. The leaks are reported when The Bat! exits. Not all the 
leaks are fixed yet, we are still fixing them, so something still can be 
reported on exit. (BETA ISSUE)
[-] Range check error when re-filtering messages
[-] Attachment related actions work only in pane mode
[*] TSpTBXProgressBar was replaced with TProgressBar
[-] Memory leaks after folder re-filter execution
[*] Cosmetic changes in account/folder properties dialogs (field layout and 
[*] Redesigned IMAP folder manager (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008346) When saving multiple attachments, version 5.0 allows saving 
"all" attachment to same place
[-] (#0008417) Broken attachment filenames in nested messages
[-] IMAP connection monitor could not update on finished tasks, didn't update 
task time counters, did prevent some tasks from completion and could give 
access violations (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008462) Access Violation when canceling Re-filter dialog
[*] Cosmetic changes of IMAP folder download preferences (beta issue)
[-] Progress bar flickering on Windows Vista
[-] (#0008445) Image Download Manager : creating new rule from specific URL 
does not work correctly
[-] (#0008237) Mass mailing : Image definition in HTML source misses cid:prefix
[-] (#0008448) Image Download Manager : forbidden URL is allways added to 
unresolved list
[-] (#0008446) Image Download Manager : when sorting by "Sender", TB creates 
"Folder" source rule
[-] (#0008441) Image Download Manager : when is opened, no URL is selected, but 
buttons are allowed
[-] (#0008409) Sometimes, message could not be reloaded into preview after 
attachment deletion
[-] (#0008440) Image Download Manager : "Email" as a "Source" does not work
[-] Memory leak when message deleted by Shift-Del
[-] (#0008331) Image Download Manager : When delete rule, warning "Deleted 
items" appears
[-] (#0008179) Make button zone of Image Downloader Manager bigger
[-] (#0008443) Image Download Manager : Pane separator and "Sorted by" mode are 
not saved
[-] Memory leaks related to TImapCmdTaskData (beta issue)
[-] (#0008449) Image Download Manager : dropdown not clickable, text is 
selectable instead
[-] Memory leaks related to mail checker, folder view and account logs (beta 
[-] Memory leaks related to Image Download Manager (beta issue)
[-] Memory leaks related to XLTs, folder frame popups, massage cache 
synchronization, message filters, message list tabs, task executor and hints 
(beta issue)
[-] (#0008483) Processing of generated hyperlinks in editing mode
[*] The connection center in this beta does not display the list of running and 
queued tasks. We have disabled the display temporarily because the 
implementation of it contain some bugs (BETA issue
[-] Leaks related to menus/toolbars (beta issue)
[-] Memory leak on thread execution (beta issue)
[-] (#0008383) Broken national chars in HTML messages
[-] (#0008487) The "Remove duplicates" option in the Folder Maintenance Centre 
was ignored
[-] Memory leaks related to toolbars/menus and cryptography (beta issue)
[-] Possible source of AVs on exit due to post-exit IMAP folder processing 
(Beta issue)
[-] Charset selection menu of the Message Editor's status bar was not working 
(Beta issue)
[-] When the user changes screen DPI (switches from large fonts to normal font 
sizes and vice versa), The Bat! resets the sizes of saved windows.
[-] Some fixes related to large fonts usage (screen DPI resolution)
[-] (#0008030) Editor's status bar menu for the editor's spell checker 
languages was empty (Beta issue)
[-] Commands "Move to next/previous, delete and move" of the separate message 
viewer were not working when the message list was switched off (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008503) Dialog "Rename/Move IMAP folder" not translated
[-] (#0008502) Untranslatable columns in IMAP Folder Manager
[-] Some other strings weren't translatable (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008459) Untranslatable buttons in redesigned IMAP folder manager (BETA 
[-] (#0008502) Untranslatable columns in IMAP Folder Manager (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008503) Dialog "Rename/Move IMAP folder" not translated (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008437) Untranslatable strings "Allow all/Deny all/Deny unknown" in 
Image Download Manager button context menu (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008477) Untranslatable string "Folder \\account\folder does not need to 
be compressed as there are no deleted messages in it" (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008501) Untranslatable string "No duplicates found in \\account\folder" 
and "Duplicates found in \\account\folder: xx" (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008407) Untranslatable string "Folder \\account\folder compressed, 
xx,xxM bytes of storage space gained" (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008418) Untranslatable string "Currently, rename of IMAP folders should 
be done with the IMAP Folder Manager" (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008426) Untranslatable string "Nothing to purge in xxx" in Maintenance 
Centre (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008186) 5.0.0.x Alpha - Buttons of Print Preview are very little for 
translation (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008427) Untranslatable string "Timestamp" in "View Digital Signature" 
dialog (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008476) Untranslatable string "Folder \\account\folder Folder checked, 
no problems detected" (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008442) Image Download Manager : when is rule created, URLs are not 
removed from list
[-] (#0008500) Messages with broken UTf-8 encoding were displayed blank
[-] (#0008483) Processing of generated hyperlinks in editing mode
[+] Better decoding/encoding of some badly-encoded national characters, The 
Bat! now uses smarter recovery algorithms
[-] (#0008509) AV on opening interface customisation dialogue (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008485) Image Download Manager : when open "Email" source rule, TB 
switches source to "Folder"
[-] (#0008443) Image Download Manager : Pane separator and "Sorted by" mode are 
not saved
[-] (#0008484) Image Download Manager : context menu entry "Copy URL to 
Clipboard" does not work for group row
[-] IMAP server-based Outbox folder was bold even it had only draft messages 
(Beta issue)
[-] IMAP server-side search was returning deleted messages
[-] Changes in default folders for IMAP account were not applied properly (Beta 
[*] Better display of unknown attributes of X.509 certificates
[-] Fixed and error in text selection in MicroEd when URLs were inside the 
selected text
[-] Fixed and/or added debug information to fix the bug which might occur in 
Scheduler and might prevent The Bat! from running; this bug might never occur 
at some users, but was always occurring at Rick Grunwald's computer (BETA 
[-] The Scheduler should never stop running recurring events
[-] (#0008329) Sending message to the Exchange server is not possible via MAPI 
account (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008486) Image Download Button : when is image list cleared, icon of 
button is not immediately changed back
[-] Restoring main window panel sizes was not working properly for some split 
modes (Beta issue)
[-] Memory leaks related to virtual folders, message source view and mail task 
executor (beta issue)
[-] AVs in IMAP folder manager caused by missing connection/incomplete folder 
listing (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008520) Some macros could work as %OMSGID when their original output was 
empty (Beta issue)
[*] Getting folder contents was reorganized
[-] (#0008517) When sending mail via Exchange account, TB indicates FETCH 
instead in Connection Centre
[-] (#0008469) IMAP error "Message doesn't exist (try to clear cache to fix 
this problem)"
[-] (#0008446) Image Download Manager : when sorting by "Sender", TB creates 
"Folder" source rule
[-] Safer handling of Windows Messages (PostMessage) (BETA ISSUE)
[-] (#00008515) Image Download Manager: Typo in Dropdownfield "Filter Type"
[*] IMAP folder can be specified (and created if needed) as destination of 
[-] Unread message counters could become negative for Virtual Folders (Beta 
[-] (#0008461) Image Download Manager : when changing "Source" of rule, 
"Condition" is disabled
[-] (#0008529) Problem with HTML tables
[+] It's now possible to print from SmartBat
[-] messages expunged from other client were displayed in IMAP folders (Beta 
[-] (#0008475) IMAP : duplicating message in remote IMAP outbox when using 
postponed sending
[-] IMAP folder manager: alphabetical sorting was used instead of user-defined 
(Beta issue)
[-] IMAP folder manager: folder tree was collapsed when switching between 
All/Subscribed tabs (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008524) When user create Forward and then Reply message, warning about 
duplicate Reply appears
[-] Critical error sound on exit when exception was raised to indicate resource 
[-] AVs could be caused by deletion of a message in the root of a threaded list 
and subsequent changes to other messages (Beta issue)
[-] Negative counters in Virtual Folders issue (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008512) Connection Centre: Strings "Transferred" and "User / Server" not 
translated (BETA issue)
[-] More fixes in HTML images
[-] (#0008224) Some GIF files shoe only 1/4 of the graphic (BETA issue)
[-] (#0008538) redirecting in IMAP filters doesn't work
[-] When printing to a printer which was different from default printer, The 
Bat! could give an Access Violation error. This bug was introduced in version 
The Bat! 1.62r.
[*] Remove thread start/finish debug messages from the "ex_log.txt" file (BETA 
[-] (#0008521) Removing a contact from a group in the address book doesn't 
update address list
[-] (#0008542) Manual re-threading didn't work (Beta issue)
[-] "Follow" button doesn't work in "Find certificates" dialog for certificates 
stored in address book
[-] "Floating point division by zero" exception in image viewer
[-] Close button didn't work in About dialog in localized interfaces (BETA 
[-] (#0008561) AV Error after start of processing in Folder Maintenance Centre 
(Beta issue)
[-] (#0008475) IMAP : duplicating message in remote IMAP outbox when using 
portponed sending
[-] (#0008537) duplicate messages in Sent Mail (local cache)
[-] New Thread Sorting option was not working (Beta issue)
[-] About didn't display key 'valid until' information
[-] Message List Tabs created in v4 were not converted into the new tabs (Beta 
[-] Fixed a bug of adding a VCF to address bug (BETA issue)
[-] Links could not be opened from the log viewer (Beta issue)
[-] only one IMAP connection's queue could be shown in the Connection Centre no 
matter which IMAP connection was selected (Beta issue)
[-] Account selected in combo-box was ignored during redirect (#0008567 related)
[-] The Bat! version 5 did incorrectly displayed message time (there were an 
incorrect time zone diff applied) created/received by v4 and before (BETA 
ISSUE). Please do not rollback from v5 to v4 since in this case messages will 
be again with time incorrectly offset by time zone diff.
[*] HTML hints are now disabled by default (BETA issue)
[-] "When browsing messages, retrieve only message text" and  "Except messages 
smaller than" options was used incorrectly (beta issue)
[-] "When browsing messages, retrieve only message text" and  "Except messages 
smaller than" options must be enabled by default
[-] (#0008470) Deleting IMAP folder cache causes wrong Total messages account 
[-] Incorrect port was displayed for IMAP accounts on Account Info panel

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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