miércoles, 11 may 2011 at 18:30, it seems you wrote:

> Why do you think that IMAP is a problem in version 5?

On  my  case it hangs some times the entire TB! when it's importing a 
POP3  message.  Yes we're talking about IMAP and I said POP3, but the 
log says it's an IMAP fault.

Other bug it's when compresing and purging folders on the maintenance. 
It blocks the entire TB! during 2-5 minutes.

Maxim, I sent to you logs about these bugs days ago.

  /\    /                     Using The Bat! Professional OTFE with 
 /  \  /     \  /             Windows XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3)
/    \/ e t   \/ i c i o u s  Plugins: AntiSpamSniper and miniRelayPlug 
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