Dear Burkster,

@13-Jun-2011, 13:16 -0400 (13-Jun 18:16 here)
[B] in said:

... <snip>
B> When  cutting the signature to just the last character of my signature
B> and pasting the text format is gone.

B> Please  fix  the  default editor so that cutting text and pasting does
B> not affect the cut text nor should it affect any text below it.

Are you, perhaps, talking about TB's (correct) treatment of the "cut
mark" (<dash><dash><space><return>). This is used by email clients
as a text delimiter and must not be used when top posting and bottom
quoting. You should remove the cut mark if you are going to post
your reply and signature above any quoted text.

Better still, define a "top reply" quick template (tag it as TR) and
invoke it as required with TR<ctrl+space> from the editor to
reformat the default reply style automatically.

Here's a simplified version of the one I use:

,------/ Quick Template for reformatting a Top Post reply \------
Hi %ofirstname,



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Original Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Date : %date
> Refr  : %OMSGID

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Original Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
`------\ End /------

Cheers --  Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v5.0.12.14 (BETA) on Windows 7 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

Attachment: pgpmyogHnia7u.pgp
Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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