Title: Re[2]: - E-mail date is wrong on E-mails list?
Hi Rafal,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 10:58:04 AM, RS wrote:


> For  all  e-mails  I received after change to the date of the
> e-mail shown in the e-mail list is wrong (all e-mails received after a
> change). On the image there are visible messages in one of the folders
> after they were filtered out.

> NOW it's: 27-07-2011 ; 16:25

> Column shows:
> - Created: 28-07-2011 2:39 (was sent to me about 7 hours ago)
> - Received: 28-07-2011 2:43

> One sender is in the same zone as I am (China) the other on is in US.

> Message  visible on the picture as 18:37 was sent to me last night and
> I saw it about 1 am (GMT+8) - so, it was almost 16 hours ago...
> Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:41:40 +0000 (UTC)

> Back to 4.2.22 and checking what is to be a value there.

Dates of mentioned e-mails are shown properly in TB!4.

Best Regards,
Rafal Szydlowski

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 (17:56 ; GMT+8)
The Bat!

I cannot reproduce this here on Win7 64. Your mails that just came in seem to have the correct time/date. It might be that I am in GMT timezone.

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