Monday, August 29, 2011, 8:28:39 AM, Krzysztof wrote:
>> So add it to your address book
> ok, let's put it clear: previous (alpha) versions of TB! didn't cause this
> alert of 'untrusted' certificate
First, let me say that the reason I have stopped using The Bat! is because of all the communications problems I have, especially its' useless handling of self-signed certificates. It now has a decent implementation of IMAP, but SSL is not even half way to working as far as I am concerned. I get disconnections, reconnections, warning dialogues that disappear before I can read them, useless warnings in the logs, i.e. it's a mess. When you cannot trust your mail client to receive mails, you don't really have a mail client.
I followed all the instructions, adding certificates, CA certificate, even went as far as adding the private certificate to the address book, all to no avail. I always get the same behaviour. This is one area where work is needed to bring The Bat! up to scratch. I cannot think of any other mail client that has these problems and I have evaluated many. AFAIAC Evolution is the best ever mail client, but I have to use Windows for my customers. The second best should be The Bat!, except that the communications errors drive me mad, so I have to go for something that is far inferior to The Bat!, but I know I will receive my mails in a timely fashion.
Going back into lurk mode....
__ _ Debian GNU User Simon Martin
/ /(_)_ __ _ ___ __ __ Project Manager
/ / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / Milliways
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Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes
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