Hi Curt,

Saturday, January 28, 2012, 3:28:15 PM, you wrote:

CaDitC> Hello Maxim,

CaDitC> Installed with success Win7/32.

Ditto!  Running very well with Gmail's IMAP system.

CaDitC> I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless 
CaDitC> enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
CaDitC> though it had an underlying truth. ~Umberto Eco

May  I  humbly  suggest  that the mystics of the credible world faiths
would  disagree  with  U.  Eco  on  that  matter, based upon their own
personal experiences and not on any intellectual theories?


Take Care,



I am here to only be of help.  I am here to represent the One who sent
us.   Someday,  we'll all realize that this is true for every last one of

Using The Bat! 5.0.34
Windows 7 6.1
build 7601 Service Pack 1

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