Hello Dierk,

Saturday, April 14, 2012, 10:20:46 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Gunivortus!

> On Saturday, April 14, 2012 at 9:04:08 AM you wrote:

>> You're relly saying me implicit, I should have known, that 
>>         "Valid until version 5.0.99"
>> is just an advertisement slogan without real contents? 
>> Because there never was such a version.

> As expected RITlabs can't do it right, can it? When they went with a
> near-subscription model asking us for money once a year, people didn't
> like it. They switch back to pay per version AND are rather generous
> with what counts as one version AND don't just change version numbers
> every 9-12 months as certain other companies - and again it doesn't
> fit what users want.

Fair is fair! I couldn't remember what was the last time I paid Ritlabs so I 
had to dig the archives. It was
on 15/12/2008(*). Today is 14/04/2012! This is 3 years and 4 months for 28 
euros (this is the upgrade price
for Pro version, VAT included).

It's about 9 EUR/year, so it's not just a good deal, it's a killer deal!

(*) V3 was published on 09/2004 so 4 years for increase version number (**) is 
habitual for Ritlabs :)

(**) I didn't write "major version" because many times Ritalbs had given us 
major new features with just a
minor version bump. This is also habitual for Ritlabs :)

George M. Menegakis
Using The Bat v5.1.0.1 (BETA) on Windows 7 Service Pack 1

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