i think not supporting imap will make life difficultfor ms.
On Aug 9, 2012 1:50 PM, "mse" <m...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hello Ethan,
> EJM> I  can set up the account with Outlook.com.  However, given I cannot
> EJM> enter a password for the serve, I cannot connect to
> EJM> the account.
> EJM> Is it possible to fix this problem.
> Have you tried using the live.com-settings? There is a summary on the
> German batboard.net:
> http://www.batboard.net/board108-h-ufige-fragen/board85-senden-empfangen/11517-einstellungen-f-r-outlook-com/#post106760
> Send Mail- SMTP
>     Server address: smtp.live.com
>     Connection: STARTTLS (TLS doesn't seem to work)
>     Port: 587 or 25
>     Authentication: Same user/password as for Mail Retrieval
> Receive Mail- POP3 (IMAP is not supported!)
>     Server address: pop3.live.com
>     Username: <your @outlook.com-Address>
>     Password: <your @outlook.com-Password>
>     Connection: TLS
>     Port: 995
>     Authentication: Standard
> Best regards,
> mse
> --
> Using The Bat! v5.1.6.9 (BETA) Pro on Windows 7 SP1 32Bit, without OTFE
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