Hello GwenDragon,

G> Hello Tbbeta,

G> Sometimes TheBat! disconnects IMAP after deleting mails in mail
G> clients on my other PCs or smartphone.

I can confirm this with my fastmail.fm account.

Date: 18 Dec 2012 11:58:24
OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 build 7601
PhysMemFreeTotal: 1048/2046 MB
VirtMemFreeTotal: 1763/2047 MB
Address: 00A05C45
ClassName: EUnicodeException
Message: TImapMailFolder DisplayTotal "Papierkorb" negative counter
IsOSException: 0
 00400000 20121211191849 C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat.exe
 00A05C45 [00400000]
 00A05C40 [00400000]
 00A05CFF [00400000]
 00A0A411 [00400000]
 00A14DA6 [00400000]
 00A156FE [00400000]
 00A0EFC3 [00400000]
 00A0F8FF [00400000]
 004681CA [00400000]
 00405ADC [00400000]

account log:
 18.12.2012, 11:57:57: IMAP  - Authentifiziere (Benutzer: 
"somen...@fastmail.fm", Methode: "LOGIN")...
 18.12.2012, 11:57:57: IMAP  - IMAP-Server Authentifikation OK - IMAP-Server 
meldet: "User logged in SESSIONID=<sloti20d1p4-30432-1355828278-1>"
!18.12.2012, 11:58:24: IMAP  - TImapMailFolder DisplayTotal "Papierkorb" 
negative counter
 18.12.2012, 11:58:29: IMAP  - Getrennt

nothing in ex_log.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v5.3.4.1 (BETA) Pro on Windows 7 SP1 32Bit, without OTFE

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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