My first thought on seeing this Subject "ping" from three senders unbeknownst 
to me made me think that it is spam. 

This could be avoided if the Ritlabs people would please add the configuration 
option to the Mailman mailing list processor to add e.g. [TBbeta] to the 
Subject line. 

Guten Tag Franz Schöler,

am Mittwoch, 30. August 2017 um 02:59 schrieben Sie:

> the old Pete Seeger song: there's a season

   the lyrics of which is actually taken from the judeo-christian bible, Old 
Testament "Ecclesiastes" chapter 3  (German: Prediger III) with some 
modifications and additions. The song got more prominence by the group "The 

Lüko Willms

Frankfurt am Main
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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