
Please confirm as "fixed" (or not fixed) the following issues, so we could 
close them:

https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=140     Windows standard key Ctrl-DEL 
(forward delete word) not supported in HTML editor / MicroEd
https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=273     Error in message header display
https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=1262    Right-to-left (RTL) scripts such as 
Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, and Thaana in the HTML editor
https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=1327    Various Access Violations in Wininet 
from Alpha 55 to Alpha 60
https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=1340    Cosmetic issues in title bars of 
dialog windows (WinXP)
https://bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=1348    On adding a background image, TheBat 
creates exceptions and a "List out of bounds" (or so) popup

Best regards,
Maxim Masiutin

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