Hello The,

m> Hello all,

m>> Three days back I realized that when opening the address book window, 
m>> the list of available address books is displayed very slowly. You can 
m>> watch the list grow; switching between address books takes about 3 
m>> seconds. A GIF is shown here:
m>> https://www.batboard.net/index.php/Attachment/5844-Adressbuch-langsam-gif/

m>> Version 8.8 does not load address book altogether. Instead I get an "Out
m>> of system resources"-message and The Bat has to be killed via Task 
m>> Manager. 

m> I found the solution. In the file ADDRBOOK.INI there is a section 
m> [TreeColumns].
m> In the broken file the numbers mentioned there were huge!
m> I let The Bat create a new ADDRBOOK.INI and copied the standard values
m> over to the broken INI. Now it works again as it used to.

The solution I found was only temporary:

With every restart of The Bat! new values are written in section
[TreeColumns] and the are increasing. It is not important if the
address book is opened or not.
I filed a report here:

Best regards,
Using The Bat! Version (BETA) (32-bit) Pro on
Windows 10 (Build 17763) (64-bit) without OTFE

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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