Maxim Masiutin via TBBETA wrote:

> The Bat! (ALPHA) is available at

The new version of TheBat! v9.0.0.1 didn't run on wine v4.17. The 
application will start but than crash with:

wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x059c24e8 at address 0040A212 
(thread 0009), starting debugger...

So we (I) will do more investigations about why this happens.

BTW: TheBat! v8.x is still running flawless.

Best regards,

Joerg Schiermeier
Bielefeld, Germany
productive: The Bat! pro v8.8.9.0 (32bit) - wine(at)Debian64
test environment (32bit + 64bit): The Bat! pro - latest beta
wine: v4.17 - Debian64/bullseye: v5.2.9-2 (2019-08-21)

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