My processor (Intel i7-5930K) does not support SHA instructions.
1500000  data  blocks  of 1024 bytes took 1.8040 seconds to process by
SHA1 (software): 811.9780 Megabytes per second.

Best regards,
 Petr S.
 TheBat! version: (ALPHA)
on Windows 10 buid 19628

Dobrý den,
úterý 19. května 2020, 22:58:15, napsal jste:

> Hello Tbbeta,

> Does your CPU support Intel SHA extensions? These are instructions
> introduced on Intel Goldmont microarchitecture. AMD added support in
> their processors for these instructions starting with Ryzen. There
> are seven new SSE-based instructions, four supporting SHA-1 and three for 
> SHA-256.

> You can run The Bat! with /SHA1_BENCHMARK command-line parameter to
> figure out whether your CPU supports SHA1 acceleration instructions, for 
> example:

> thebat64.exe /SHA1_BENCHMARK

> On my computer, running The Bat! as above gives the following results:

> ---------------------------
> SHA1 benchmark
> ---------------------------
> 1500000 data blocks of 1024 bytes took 1.3579 seconds to process by
> SHA1 using CPU instructions (hardware), 1078.7605 Megabytes per
> second; 2.1496 seconds to process by software implementation, 681.4596 
> Megabytes per second
> ---------------------------
> OK   
> ---------------------------

> Could you please post your results here? Thank you in advance.

'Using TBBETA' information:

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