On Monday, August 17, 2020, 22:44:54, MAU wrote:

> It  scrolls  fine here. Actually, it takes six hits on the spacebar to
> scroll  all  the way to the end of the message and one more to jump to
> the next unread message.

I can't reproduce the problem when viewing the attached message
embedded in my e-mail, or when I double-click the attachment (so it
opens in new window), however when I try scrolling it in my mailbox,
the second spacebar press always advances to the next e-mail (this
happens regardless if focus is in the message, or in the list).

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< https://eternallybored.org/ >

If it says "one size fits all", it doesn't fit anyone.
       -- Julian's Law

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