Hello TBB, Since themes came out I have been using Smokey Quartz Kamri. I and some others have been having an issue where at random times TB! freezes and does not respond. By clicking away to another program and then coming back to TB! it starts working again.
I think I have figured out the pattern. If, while reading an email that is fairly long and should have a scroll bar, sometimes the scroll bar does not appear correctly. An arrow appears at the top, but no arrow at the bottom and no scroll bar. If I read the email by scrolling using my mouse button it works fine, but if I move my mouse to the Right side of the screen it freezes. Can anyone confirm? -- Best regards, Stuart mailto:skcu...@fastmail.fm using: TheBat! 9.3.3 64 on Windows 10.0 19041 ________________________________________________________ 'Using TBBETA' information: http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html