
Sunday, July 4, 2021, 2:04:52 PM, you wrote:
> Вы писали 2.07.21 г., 18:32:21:

>>> Ok, How to clear formatting now? Clear format in the styles too not works.

>> It works, but again - in a new manner. It clears styles that were applied 
>> after initial class assignment. You can check it out in the new HTML code 
>> editor (press F9 while editing an HTML message). Stefan

> Am I and all of not IT-users needs now to manually find all instances 
> "class=" from both sides of text and delete manually? 
> This is madness! Ok, I can look into code and delete from left and right: 
> font-size, font-style, p, < > / etc/etc/etc. 
> But what you want to say to 99% of the users who's can't or don't want to 
> know any code? 
> Please return "clear format" feature ASAP, please return features to applying 
> and setting a styles. If you can't return all the styles features soon then 
> can I ask you a button in the panel that will clears all the formatting 
> things from a selected text? 

Is there any news when style will be available again?

Best Regards, George Salnik
RitLabs Russian Forum Moderator

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