
We have released The Bat! v10.5.

Versions with the auto-update feature:
32-bit https://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/thebat_32_10-5.msi
64-bit https://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/thebat_64_10-5.msi

Versions without auto-update:
32-bit https://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/nau_thebat_32_10-5.msi
64-bit https://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/nau_thebat_64_10-5.msi

What's new in v10.5 since v10.4.0.1:

[*] Google and Outlook Calendar synchronization function smoother and do not 
require extra OAUTH tokens
[*] CEF v117
[*] Workaround for the "file is locked" error while loading template images 
from a file
[*] Add /CalendarSyncLogEvents and /CalendarSyncLogCalendars parameters for 
logging calendar and event lists sync
[-] GnuPG signature with empty password was losing first line of the input
[-] In the 64-bit version, PGP/MIME option was not set properly
[-] PGP options were not used in mass mailing
[-] Notification of missed events was not working for non-recurrent events
[-] Tables from the original email were not properly displayed in the reply
[-] Some attachment files got lost when multiple forward to a single recipient 
was executed
[-] Attachments that had been added via the drop-down menu of the "Attach a 
file" icon were not displayed on the recipients' end
[-] Extra empty lines appeared in the Quick Reply if the template had been set 
to the HTML format
[-] An attachment's contents had been put into the message body in case the 
message was digitally signed
[-] Text pasted into PureHTML editor from an Excel spreadsheet could be pasted 
not as a table
[-] Highlight color had darker background in all themes
[-] Time zone could be not set for use when importing from an .ICS file
[-] Template Preview did not switch between HTML/Plain Text outputs
[-] Embedded images were not shown in the Template Preview
[-] Some external images were not displayed upon download
[-] Attachment clip was mistakenly shown for messages with inline images and 
hidden after message was loaded
[-] Images from Quick Templates could not be seen in Gmail

Thank you for your input!

Alexander Petrari
Ritlabs, SRL

'Using TBBETA' information:

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