Hello Jeroen,

> That cannot be confirmed. All my accounts do have a <known> filter and
> are set to inbox and are not active (except in one account, but that
> filter is set to a custom folder in that account). In the 'sorting
> office' for the common folder there is *no*  <known> filter present.

> I confirm that after deleting that Inbox - known folder (common) it
> returns after restart TB.

I have the same problem....
Seven accounts, all put their mail in the default IN box (of the account).
I  have a filter "<known>" in nearly every account, but these rules are not
active and every filter moves the mail from known users to the "Indox".

But I can not delete the "Inbox Known" in my common folders !

Best regards,
 Oliver                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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