On 5 January 2002 at 8:20 am Thomas wrote:

> Thanks, I found them. Does anybody know whether either myrealbox or
> GMX use this? If so, how do I go about testing it?

I think it's unlikely that mainstream ISPs offer it. There are
certainly none in the UK that I'm aware of; I have it because I have a
server whose costs I share with about 60 other people in return for
being able to tinker with it. (Methinks that, with the current fuss
about Carnivore, Magic Lantern and others, it will start to appear
more often; supporting it is an astute move by TB! :)

To test whether TLS/SSL is present, change the Receive mail connection
in Transport to '... SSL' and the port to 995. If you get an error
when trying to receive mail thereafter SSL isn't supported by your
(POP3) server. 

> What's the difference between STARTTLS and TLS? I believe it depends
> on the ISP, right? Also, is this the same as SSL? (What does TLS stand
> for?)

I'm not up on STARTTLS, but:

TLS = SSL ("port 995")

STARTTLS = TLS + an extra security layer

Here are all the gruesome details:

ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2246.txt (TLS)

ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2487.txt (STARTTLS)


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