On 13 January 2002 at 18:40 Maxim wrote:

> Hello Alastair!

AS>> It seems that Account | Properties | <General option> | (Edit personal
AS>> vCard | <Certificates tab>) (or Edit certificates) | Request ...
AS>> doesn't do anything. (What should it do?)

>   You should first click "Generate" button to generate a self-signed
>   certificate. Then select this certificate and click "Request". It
>   will generate a Certificate Signing Request that you should send to
>   CA.
Aha - TB! is the first email package I've ever used which has made
encryption workable _at all_, and that's a useful feature.

For those struggling with the concepts (like me) there's a nice
tutorial by the inventors of S/MIME:


and a good description of digital certificates and SSL:



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