On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Jacek Wojaczynski wrote:

> *2002-01-30, 11:40:15: FETCH - receiving mail messages
> +2002-01-30, 11:40:15: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
> +2002-01-30, 11:40:15: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
> *2002-01-30, 11:40:16: FETCH - 1 messages in the mailbox, 1 new
> !2002-01-30, 11:40:16: FETCH - [Inbox] could not store message
>                                (file name - C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\bat8101.TMP)
> +2002-01-30, 11:40:16: FETCH - connection finished - 1 messages received
> ... and the message stays on pop3 server.
> Restarting TB! does not help...
> Restarting Windows did help it. Anyone knows what's going
> on?

don't You have AV program active? Maybe this message is infected and AV
disabled access to created file.


Marek Mikus
Czech Support of The Bat!

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