Hi The Bat! beta list members,

  I am a pobox.com user (www.pobox.com); they offer a nice redirection
service  and also have a SMTP relayer as an option. They have recently
changed  their  SMTP  server to an authenticated one, and although the
old one is still working it will not be running sometime soon.
  The  new  server is sasl.smtp.pobox.com, you can connect to the SMTP
standard  port,  25,  and  also  port 26 either with regular or secure
connection  (STARTTSL), and in full secure mode to port 465 (TSL). All
of   these  options  work  correctly  with  The  Bat!.  However,  the
authentication   is   never   carried   out.   I  have set it to use a
specific  user  and  password, yet The Bat! always warns me that there
were no authentication mechanisms detected.
  I have contacted customer support and and have been told that indeed
their  logs  show that the connection is established correctly but the
server  rejects my messages because there was no authentication. Other
than   checking   my  settings,  which  I would swear are right, might
there  be  a problem with newer versions of The Bat!? I've tried 1.53d
and  the last two betas 31 & 33 with no luck. Version 1.46 is reported
to authenticate correctly, although I have shot it a try.

  Could anyone try to connect to that server and report the results? I
know  you don't have a user login on it; nonetheless, whatever you use
as   user  and password, you'll see if the authentication does or does
not take place.

Best regards,
 Javier Marcet                     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Some people hope to achieve immortality through their works or their
 children.  I would prefer to achieve it by not dying.
 -- Woody Allen
 PGP Key-ID: 0xCAAD7064 | PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendPGPKey
 Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/33 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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