Hello Graham,

 On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, at 23:45:36 [GMT +0000] (which was 00:45 where I live) you wrote:

GF> Hello tbbeta

GF>   b) Hold down SHIFT and press HOME. You would expect that the line is
GF>   highlighted.. Nope
GF>   c) Still hold down shift and press END... still no selection
GF>   d) Still holding shift down, press HOME again.. At last - the line
GF>   is highlighted  .. Phew !

Confirm, not only for cookies but every QT inserted text, tedious, isn't it ? :)

Regards,             Alain
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     The Bat! 1.54 Beta/33
                     Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

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