
 Thu, 7 Mar 2002 18:32:43 +0100, Sebastien Gagnon-Messier wrote:

SGM> Running Bat 1.54/Beta 46 on Win XP.

SGM> Following causes the bat to go buhbye:

SGM> Click Tools
SGM> Select Search
SGM> Enter any text
SGM> Click Search
SGM> Click Close on results window

SGM> "Control 'tsresult' has no parent window"

SGM> Click OK

SGM> "Access violation at address 00000000 Read of Address 00000000

SGM> Click  OK.  Dialog  box  remains.  After  clicking  OK  a  few times I
SGM> terminated  the  Bat using Task Manager. System otherwise fine and the
SGM> Bat  can  be restarted immediately and runs fine again.... until a new
SGM> search is done.

SGM> Actually,  not  necessary  to  even  do a search to get this, clicking
SGM> Close from search window also "works."

SGM> Can anyone confirm this?

    Confirmed  with 1.54 Beta/46 on Windows XP 5.1.2600, with the only
    difference is that both addresses are 00000103

  A bientôt,


Replying with 1.54 Beta/46 on Windows XP 5.1.2600
Philippe  Gouillou  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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