There should be a way optionally to relocate these common folders.  If
I have two identities within one group, and the data files are located
in a place that makes sense for my organization (and from which they
are automatically backed up), it does not make sense for folders which
are common to the accounts within that group to be located in a
totally different place.


     Peter Hampf wrote on Friday, March 15, 2002:

> Good evening Joseph,

> on Fri, 15 Mar 2002 08:30:02 -0600 GMT your local time you wrote:

JN>> like a common folder.  Assuming they still exist somewhere on my
JN>> system, where does the Beta series store them and how are they named?

> they are stored usually in <the bat dir>\mail\<common folder name>.

> The common "inbox - known" folder is named $Known$.

> Hope it helps.

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