Hello Carsten,

On Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 11:42:05 AM you wrote in
msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (at least in

CT> I come to the conclusion that the listbot adds the footer using 8 bit
CT> even if the message is QP. So TB! is right as "^-- $" in QP is "^--$" in
CT> RL[tm] ;-)

CT> Sorry Peter and Alain, you were wrong ;-)

ACK :-) THIS was the point I was missing the whole time ... Of course
the message is QP-decoded, so the second delimiter can't be recognized
as one as it's QP-decode represent is exactly as you stated.
Beside the fact I was 'wrong' (maybe I wasn't even 'wrong' but only
'not 100% correct? *G*) now finally the mystery is solved :-)

CT> Yes, but why don't you agree with me that "-- " in QP isn't a correct
CT> signature delimiter?

In fact I do :-)

CT> BTW we all use sig delimiters, is the second "-- " necessary (at least
CT> on the beta list).

I think yes ... enough 'newbies' got here and enough of them forget to
include a 'correct' delimiter :-)
Most the time only once or twice as they get told how to do it
correctly, but nevertheless ... :-)
Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.54 Beta/50 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

"COBOL is not dead, it just smells that way."

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